Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women's Legal Centre
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Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women's Legal Centre
Call us on 1800 686 587 or (02) 9569 3847
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Sexual Assault


What is Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is a general term used to describe all sorts of sexual crimes. It includes rape, incest, sexual abuse, indecent assault, child sexual abuse and sexual molesting. Sexual abuse doesn't just mean sexual intercourse although it is involved. Sexual abuse involves a range of sexual activity including touching someone on their breasts or penis, masturbating in front of them, flashing or oral sex.

What is Child Sexual Abuse?

Sexual abuse occurs when an adult or someone bigger than the child uses his or her authority or power over the child, or takes advantage of the child's trust and respect, to make the child do sexual things.

The offender often uses tricks, bribes, threats, guilt and sometimes physical force to make the child do things and to stop the child from telling anyone about it.

Who does it happen to?

It can happen to anybody. Very often people who are raped or assaulted know their attacker. The attacker may have been a family member, a friend, a boyfriend, a boss and /or a person in a position of power.

If you have been sexually assaulted

  • Get to a safe place as soon as possible
  • Call the Rape Crisis Centre for help or have someone call for you as soon as you can
  • Contact a Sexual Assault Service near you because they can help you with:
    * Counselling and medical care
    * Emergency contraception
    * Forensic examination
    * Testing for sexually transmitted infections
    * Assistance for contacting the police
    * Information on sexual assault, follow-up services, your rights as a victim of crime

Reporting a recent sexual assault

The Gunjies and health services are specially trained to assist you if you wish to report a sexual assault.

After an assault try not to change your clothes, comb your hair or wash yourself until you have spoken with the police or health service as it is important to keep evidence of the assault.
If you speak with the Gunjies they will ask some very difficult questions. It is important for you to give the Gunjies as much information as possible about what has happened to you.


  • Being sexually assaulted is not your fault. No-one has the right to hurt another person in this way
  • Nobody ever deserves to be sexually assaulted
  • NO means NO

If you know someone is being abused tell a friend or relative who can help.

If you have been assaulted and want to yarn to someone call:

Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women's Legal Centre

1800 686 587
(02) 9569 3847

Rape Crisis Centre Rural

1800 424 017

Disclaimer: The information contained on this Fact Sheet is only meant as a guide and cannot replace legal advice. If you have a legal problem you should speak to a lawyer for some legal advice. Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women's Legal Centre excludes liability for any loss suffered by any person which results from the use or reliance upon the information contained on this Fact Sheet.
Sydney 02 9819 6565