General Meetings
a) An annual general meeting of the Association
shall be held each year within six months from the end of the
financial year of the Association.
b) The committee may, whenever it thinks fit,
convene a general meeting of the Association. A general meeting
must be convened by the committee within three months of receiving
a written request to do so from at least five per cent of the
membership of the Association.
c) At least 21 days notice of all general meetings
and notices of motion shall be given to members. In the case of
general meetings where a special resolution is to be proposed,
notice of the resolution shall be given to members at least 21
days before the meeting.
d) In the case of the annual general meeting
the following business shall be transacted:
• confirmation
of the minutes of the last general meeting and any recent special
general meeting;
• receipt
of the committee's report upon the activities of the Association
in the last financial year;
• election of
office bearers and other members of the committee;
• receipt
and consideration of a statement from the committee which is not
misleading and gives a true and fair view for the last financial
year of the Association's:
* income and expenditure;
* assets and liabilities;
* mortgages, charges
and other securities; and
* trust properties.
e) The quorum
for a general meeting shall be five members present in person.
If within half-an-hour of the time appointed for a general meeting
a quorum is not present the meeting shall be dissolved.
f) Voting
at general meetings shall be by a show of hands unless a secret
ballot is demanded. Decisions shall be made by a simple majority
vote except for those matters which must be decided by special
resolution where a three-quarter majority is required.
g) All votes shall
be given personally and there shall be no voting proxy.
h) In the
case of an equality of votes the person appointed to chair the
general meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
i) Nominations
of candidates for election as office bearers or other committee
members must be made on the official Application for Nomination
of Election for Committee form. This form must be signed by two
members. A nominee need not be present at the general meeting
in order to be elected.
j) Written
notice of all general meetings shall be given to members either
personally or by post.
k) Members
who have items of business they wish considered at a general meeting
shall give written notice of such business to the secretary. The
secretary shall include that business in the next notice calling
a general meeting.
8 September 1998