Office Bearers
a) The president
or, in the president's absence, the vice president shall act as
chairperson at each general meeting and committee meeting of the
b) If the
president and vice president are absent from a meeting or unwilling
to act, the members present at the meeting shall elect one of
their number to act as chairperson.
c) The secretary
shall ensure that records of the business of the Association including
the rules, register members, minutes of all general and committee
meetings and a file of correspondence are kept. These records
shall be available for inspection by any member and shall be held
in the custody of the secretary.
d) The treasurer
shall ensure that all money received by the Association is paid
into an account in the association's name. Payments shall be made
through a petty cash system or by cheque signed by two signatories
authorised by the committee. Major or unusual expenditures shall
be authorised in advance by the committee or a general meeting.
e) The treasurer
shall ensure that correct books and accounts are kept showing
the financial affairs of the Association. These records shall
be available for inspection by any member and shall be held in
the custody of the treasurer.
8 September 1998