is the co-ordinator of Wirringa Baiya. She is from Brewarrina the
Ngemba people, a mother of six children, 5 girls and 1 boy, and
happily married to Clarence Gibbs. Trisha is a founding member of
Wirringa Baiya and has been continuously involved with the centre.
Trisha becomed involved with women's issues whilst she was working
within the NSW Women's Refuge Movement. Through that work she become
increasingly concerned about the limited options available to Aboriginal
women needing to access legal services.
does Trisha aim to do for the Centre in her role as co-ordinator?
Employ more legal solictors for the advice line, employ a community
legal educator officer and a counsellor for women, children or youth
who ring and require counselling as well as legal advice. She also
will continue the fight for the rights of Aboriginal women, children
and youth who have been victims of crime.